Thursday, August 21, 2008

Becoming Friends

The kids are officially 2.5 years old (tomorrow)! They continue to change every single day and I am always amazed at how much they are learning (and repeating!). It's been fun to watch their friendship develop. Like most friendships, they have their ups and downs. They are exploring their independence and each other's limits. Favorite words these days are, "Mine!" and "No!" But more often than not, you can see them playing together, figuring out how to take turns, share, and comfort each other. They also have conversations with each other. It's very sweet. Nathan always wants to know where Audrey is: "Where'd Audee go?" even if she's in the same room. Audrey definitely takes the lead and likes to tell Nathan what they will be doing that day, which he happily replies, "OK, Audee!" She tells him, "Good job, Natey" when he does something all by himself or "It's OK" if he's upset. She's even been trying to sneak lollipops out of the lunchbag that I keep hidden but always gets one for Natey too. They chase each other around the house, laughing, and their favorite thing to do is hide in the gazeebo curtains outside. They are the sweetest kids and I just love watching them play together (when I'm not being a referee!).

I'm also happy to report that my two little binkie addicts are now only using their pacifiers at naptime and bedtime. Todd and I were really worried about how they were going to be with this new binkie rule, but they have been great! Of course every once in a while I will catch Audrey slipping her little hands inside the crib slats, trying desperately to reach a binkie. Just today as I was changing her diaper, she said to me, "Mommy, look in my mouth." That little stinker had a binkie in her mouth and I didn't even notice! I guess we are all getting used to this new rule :) Everytime I take Nathan out of his crib, he tosses his binkie down and says, "Noooo binkie." And he was the one I was most worried about!

Todd recently filled up the spa and at a cool 90 degrees the kids have been swimming almost every day after their nap. They love to splash and fill up cups, jump from the seats, plug their noses and go under water! They especially love it when Todd gets in with them.

Here are my two little cuties sitting under the kitchen table together.


kkem said...

So cute. We need a spa! Can I come over?

Stellaandthomas said...

Your twins are so cute. I have boy/girl twins that are four and it just keeps getting better and better:-)