Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Day With Dad

It's no secret that Todd is an amazing father and husband. He is totally committed to his family and has always given 100 percent when it comes to the kids. From day one, Todd has been very comfortable taking care of both kids by himself. When they were younger, he would throw them in the stroller and take them for a nice, long walk while I rested and there have been many afternoons at the park or outside in the front yard playing while I get some housework done. I have enjoyed many kid-free mornings and/or afternoons to run errands, get caught up around the house, grab a coffee and get a pedicure, or enjoy some much needed quiet time. He loves spending time with the kids and he's always looking for new and fun places to take them. A few weeks ago he took both kids to the beach by himself and this past week he took them to Fairyland in Oakland (while I did some shopping!). As you can see from the pictures, the kids had a great time with Dad! And yes, Audrey wanted to wear two headbands that day - one in her hair and one around her neck. She picked them out.

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